I have used many finance apps in the past, so I decided to give this a whirl. Very intuitive user interface, simple and effective. However, we need to have options to create subcategories. Also, we need to treat our credit cards as accounts, and not expense categories. We all use different credit cards for different purchases, so lets say, the “eat out category” I should be able to add a transaction, but choose which account for the transaction to be applied to, this will allow the user to have an overlook on how much he has spent on “eat out” regardless of each “wallet” or account he has selected.
Reports are a major component of any finance app, and the reports here are coming short in many areas, especially in the export section. There’s no .pdf report, the xls report is a joke, and .txt report is rediculous and completly useless. There is no graphics in any report, not bars, graphs or charts.
Many apps offer a forecast of your finances, and also how much you’ve spent daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
Overall, I think this app has the ability to be #1, however Homebudget still has the edge, it is much more poweful.
Bruno cicarelli about Inspire Finance 3